Smart Fortwo [Add-On / Replace | FiveM | LODs] 1.0
Discord (Pre-release | Exclusive Cars | DEV Vehicles & Assets) : Discord Invite
Detailed Instruction For :
* Add-on Version
* Replace Version
* Change Spawn Frenquency
* Add to Traffic
* Change Damage Intensity
Features :
* HQ Exterior
* HQ Interior
* HQ Textures
* HQ Mirrors
* Breakable Glass
* Hand on Steeringwheel
* Burn Map
* Dirt Map
* Lods
* Working Dials
* Full Interior UVMap
* Real Life Size
* Real Handling
Bugs :
* No Engine
* Dials can look strange with QuantV (Thanks to [ID-72] MAX MAYHEM#8661 for report)
Status :
* Files Locked
* W.I.P Vehicle (Will receive updates)
Credits :
Model from : Hum3D | Turbosquid | Personal Modeling
Convert | UvMap : Los Santos Import
Textures : Los Santos Import
Screenshots : Los Santos Import
Detailed Instruction For :
* Add-on Version
* Replace Version
* Change Spawn Frenquency
* Add to Traffic
* Change Damage Intensity
Features :
* HQ Exterior
* HQ Interior
* HQ Textures
* HQ Mirrors
* Breakable Glass
* Hand on Steeringwheel
* Burn Map
* Dirt Map
* Lods
* Working Dials
* Full Interior UVMap
* Real Life Size
* Real Handling
Bugs :
* No Engine
* Dials can look strange with QuantV (Thanks to [ID-72] MAX MAYHEM#8661 for report)
Status :
* Files Locked
* W.I.P Vehicle (Will receive updates)
Credits :
Model from : Hum3D | Turbosquid | Personal Modeling
Convert | UvMap : Los Santos Import
Textures : Los Santos Import
Screenshots : Los Santos Import
Først uploadet: 27. november 2021
Sidst opdateret: 27. november 2021
Last Downloaded: 17 hours ago
23 Kommentarer
More mods by Los Santos Import:
Discord (Pre-release | Exclusive Cars | DEV Vehicles & Assets) : Discord Invite
Detailed Instruction For :
* Add-on Version
* Replace Version
* Change Spawn Frenquency
* Add to Traffic
* Change Damage Intensity
Features :
* HQ Exterior
* HQ Interior
* HQ Textures
* HQ Mirrors
* Breakable Glass
* Hand on Steeringwheel
* Burn Map
* Dirt Map
* Lods
* Working Dials
* Full Interior UVMap
* Real Life Size
* Real Handling
Bugs :
* No Engine
* Dials can look strange with QuantV (Thanks to [ID-72] MAX MAYHEM#8661 for report)
Status :
* Files Locked
* W.I.P Vehicle (Will receive updates)
Credits :
Model from : Hum3D | Turbosquid | Personal Modeling
Convert | UvMap : Los Santos Import
Textures : Los Santos Import
Screenshots : Los Santos Import
Detailed Instruction For :
* Add-on Version
* Replace Version
* Change Spawn Frenquency
* Add to Traffic
* Change Damage Intensity
Features :
* HQ Exterior
* HQ Interior
* HQ Textures
* HQ Mirrors
* Breakable Glass
* Hand on Steeringwheel
* Burn Map
* Dirt Map
* Lods
* Working Dials
* Full Interior UVMap
* Real Life Size
* Real Handling
Bugs :
* No Engine
* Dials can look strange with QuantV (Thanks to [ID-72] MAX MAYHEM#8661 for report)
Status :
* Files Locked
* W.I.P Vehicle (Will receive updates)
Credits :
Model from : Hum3D | Turbosquid | Personal Modeling
Convert | UvMap : Los Santos Import
Textures : Los Santos Import
Screenshots : Los Santos Import
Først uploadet: 27. november 2021
Sidst opdateret: 27. november 2021
Last Downloaded: 17 hours ago
Great car
This is amazing I was going to need something to replace the Panto. This model is high quality all around. Some textures were exported wrong though. I would like to see this as a working convertible one day.
Bella 😊
Good 😊
great car :)
@xAbvAllx Ki11er im the same with that
Thanks for cars with lod <3
Good job!!!!
Nice one.
Perfect god jop man
Nice work keep it up.
Ciao, sono Sebi 😊
Hi, i am Sebi 😊
Questo è un aggiustamento per un Handling:
This is an adjustment for a handling::
Installa questo in \Mods\update\dlcpacks\fortwo17\dlc.rpf\data
Install this in \Mods\update\dlcpacks\fortwo17\dlc.rpf\data
Copia da qui:
Copy from here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Item type="CHandlingData">
<fMass value="880.000000"/>
<fInitialDragCoeff value="11.000000"/>
<fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000"/>
<vecCentreOfMassOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.050000" z="0.000000"/>
<vecInertiaMultiplier x="1.000000" y="1.100000" z="1.200000"/>
<fDriveBiasFront value="0.000000"/>
<nInitialDriveGears value="5"/>
<fInitialDriveForce value="0.750000"/>
<fDriveInertia value="1.000000"/>
<fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value="40.000000"/>
<fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value="40.000000"/>
<fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="200.000000"/>
<fBrakeForce value="0.600000"/>
<fBrakeBiasFront value="0.800000"/>
<fHandBrakeForce value="0.500000"/>
<fSteeringLock value="18.700001"/>
<fTractionCurveMax value="1.970000"/>
<fTractionCurveMin value="1.770000"/>
<fTractionCurveLateral value="22.000000"/>
<fTractionSpringDeltaMax value="0.150000"/>
<fLowSpeedTractionLossMult value="0.000000"/>
<fCamberStiffnesss value="0.000000"/>
<fTractionBiasFront value="0.476000"/>
<fTractionLossMult value="2.000000"/>
<fSuspensionForce value="2.200000"/>
<fSuspensionCompDamp value="1.300000"/>
<fSuspensionReboundDamp value="2.400000"/>
<fSuspensionUpperLimit value="0.100000"/>
<fSuspensionLowerLimit value="-0.100000"/>
<fSuspensionRaise value="0.000000"/>
<fSuspensionBiasFront value="0.470000"/>
<fAntiRollBarForce value="1.200000"/>
<fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.650000"/>
<fRollCentreHeightFront value="0.130000"/>
<fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.140000"/>
<fCollisionDamageMult value="2.000000"/>
<fWeaponDamageMult value="2.000000"/>
<fDeformationDamageMult value="2.000000"/>
<fEngineDamageMult value="3.000000"/>
<fPetrolTankVolume value="35.000000"/>
<fOilVolume value="5.000000"/>
<fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.000000"/>
<fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000"/>
<fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.050000"/>
<nMonetaryValue value="35000"/>
<Item type="CCarHandlingData">
<fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult value="0.100000" />
<fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult value="0.030000" />
<fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed value="0.600000" />
<!--Ignorami, sono un separatore :)-->
<!--Ignore me, i am a separator :)-->
<!--Lol :)-->
<Item type="CCarHandlingData">
<fCamberFront value="-0.010000" />
<fCastor value="0.150000" />
<fToeFront value="-0.01" />
<fCamberRear value="-0.00500" />
<fToeRear value="0.0075" />
<!--Ignorami, sono un separatore :)-->
<!--Ignore me, i am a separator :)-->
<!--Lol :)-->
<Item type="CCarHandlingData">
<fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult value="0.100000"/>
<fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult value="0.030000"/>
<fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed value="0.600000"/>
<fToeFront value="0.000000"/>
<fToeRear value="0.000000"/>
<fCamberFront value="0.000000"/>
<fCamberRear value="0.000000"/>
<fCastor value="0.000000"/>
<fEngineResistance value="0.000000"/>
<fMaxDriveBiasTransfer value="-1.000000"/>
<fJumpForceScale value="1.000000"/>
<Item type="NULL" />
<Item type="NULL" />
A qui
To here
Spero sia stato utile,
Sebi 😊
I hope it was useful,
Sebi 😊
Nice car. Thanks! Only bug is tint of glass. There are always very black, no transparency. And can you add a roof as extra please.
Nice little car! But I gotta say that smart is awfully terrible to drive in real life.
LOVE IT amazing & Unique
@LosSantosImport Can this car close the roof?
@NAVY_1989 At this time no because i don't have good roof 3d model
@R0man P34rce Hi, Update will arrived this week for fix some issues and tinted glass 😉
@LosSantosImport very good! I`ll be wait 🙂
No news about the update please ?