Bodyguard Squads 1.2.1
3. februar 2022
With Eddlm permission (here), I updated his awesome mod to work with the latest NativeUI, ScriptHookV and ScriptHookVDotNet versions.
Check the changelog below for more info.
Also, check the original mod page for all previous screenshots, videos and changelogs: here.
Changelog 1.2.1
- Fixed script loading at start.
- Fixed auto-generate .ini file if not found.
Changelog 1.2
- Mod updated to work with NativeUI v1.9.1, ScriptHookV v1.0.2545.0 and ScriptHookVDotNet v3.4.0.
- Added 3 more squads (total of 7 squads at your service).
- Added a Settings menu entry. Now you can reset/load/save squad settings from/to the .ini file.
- Fixed bug where squads were not following their leader when spawned.
Features under development:
- Replace NativeUI requirement with LemonUI.
- Add a Random option and more choices to weapons, vehicles and models.
- Recruit wandering peds. Screenshot preview.
- Change squad command controls to the same used as Freedom Fighters game (1 - Regroup Single/All, 2 - Attack Single/All, 3 - Defend Single/All). Screenshot preview.
Original description (Updated)
Spawn up to SEVEN independent squads and make them do stuff!
- Choose their weapon, vehicle and model! (Add vehiclemodel and weaponmodel options to advanced_bodyguards.ini so you guys can add as many weapons and vehicles as needed. Check the weapon names here.)
- Complete driving abilities, from escorting you to chasing who you want them to. They can even attach trailers to their truck, or other vehicles to their towtruck!
- Complete heli flying abilities, including rappeling, landing, and hooking vehicles with the Cargobob!
- Make them cooperate, kill eachother or go after you!
- Command them in combat, setting their priority targets!
- Tweak their behavior to your likings!
- Do races with them!
- Enter their vehicle as passenger [Space] let them drive for you!
- Save squad settings to the .ini file so you don't have to manually change it everytime you load the mod!
Boats and planes are not supported at the moment.
- To set up a race, set a waypoint on your map, where the first control point should be. Then, click on the Add Waypoint option inside the new Race Commands submenu. You will see there is now a white blip on the map.
- Repeat for the following race waypoints, being the last one the finish line. It should look like this.
- Guide the squad(s) to where you want to start the race and click on Start race, they will drive through each race waypoint and stop at the last one.
Custom relationships with other RelationshipGroups:
- You can now make the Squads hate certain relationshipgroups, like the cops or the Ballas. Check the Squad>Behavior>Relationships menu.
Here is a list with all the vanilla RelationshipGroups.
Setting up custom models for your squad:
- 1. Open the advanced_bodyguards.ini you will find in your scripts folder.
- 2. Find "CustomStyle1Name" and change the value (Mexicans) to the Faction name you want.
- 3. Change the values of all the CustomStyle1ModelX you will find below, providing a valid model name, like s_m_m_movalien_01, for example. Repeat the values if you don't have enough model names to fill all four inputs.
- Save the file and start the game.
Follow the same procedure with the second custom faction defined in the .ini.
.NET Framework v4.8
Visual C++ 2015
ScriptHookV v1.0.2545.0
ScriptHookVDotNet v3.4.0
NativeUI v1.9.1
How to install
Extract the files into /Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/.
Video Tutorial, thanks to 2Goodyy for making it!
How to use
Pressing Z will open the Guard Commands menu, letting you select wich squad you want to handle.
Press ALT to enter commands mode. Instead of shooting, you will issue commands until you exit the mode pressing ALT again.
The commands you can issue depend on the Squad Leader's situation. Here's a list of currently supported commands and situations:
Squad is on foot
- Aim+click at ground = Run there
- Aim+click at a ped = Attack him
- Aim+click at a vehicle = Enter that vehicle
Squad is on vehicle:
- Aim+click at ground = Drive there
- Aim+click at a ped = Attack him from vehicle
- Aim+click at other vehicle = Chase that vehicle
- Aim+click at other squads' vehicle = escort that vehicle
- Aim+click at their own vehicle = Leave the vehicle
Latest versions feature orders issued from the menu, allowing you to manage them while they're doing stuff.
- Police peds don't like you in their cars, and will enter a neverending loop of leaving the car and entering again.
- If the Squad is the Army or the Police, they will give you 2 stars if you aim directly at them.
Først uploadet: 27. januar 2022
Sidst opdateret: 28. januar 2022
Last Downloaded: 44 minutter siden
184 Kommentarer
With Eddlm permission (here), I updated his awesome mod to work with the latest NativeUI, ScriptHookV and ScriptHookVDotNet versions.
Check the changelog below for more info.
Also, check the original mod page for all previous screenshots, videos and changelogs: here.
Changelog 1.2.1
- Fixed script loading at start.
- Fixed auto-generate .ini file if not found.
Changelog 1.2
- Mod updated to work with NativeUI v1.9.1, ScriptHookV v1.0.2545.0 and ScriptHookVDotNet v3.4.0.
- Added 3 more squads (total of 7 squads at your service).
- Added a Settings menu entry. Now you can reset/load/save squad settings from/to the .ini file.
- Fixed bug where squads were not following their leader when spawned.
Features under development:
- Replace NativeUI requirement with LemonUI.
- Add a Random option and more choices to weapons, vehicles and models.
- Recruit wandering peds. Screenshot preview.
- Change squad command controls to the same used as Freedom Fighters game (1 - Regroup Single/All, 2 - Attack Single/All, 3 - Defend Single/All). Screenshot preview.
Original description (Updated)
Spawn up to SEVEN independent squads and make them do stuff!
- Choose their weapon, vehicle and model! (Add vehiclemodel and weaponmodel options to advanced_bodyguards.ini so you guys can add as many weapons and vehicles as needed. Check the weapon names here.)
- Complete driving abilities, from escorting you to chasing who you want them to. They can even attach trailers to their truck, or other vehicles to their towtruck!
- Complete heli flying abilities, including rappeling, landing, and hooking vehicles with the Cargobob!
- Make them cooperate, kill eachother or go after you!
- Command them in combat, setting their priority targets!
- Tweak their behavior to your likings!
- Do races with them!
- Enter their vehicle as passenger [Space] let them drive for you!
- Save squad settings to the .ini file so you don't have to manually change it everytime you load the mod!
Boats and planes are not supported at the moment.
- To set up a race, set a waypoint on your map, where the first control point should be. Then, click on the Add Waypoint option inside the new Race Commands submenu. You will see there is now a white blip on the map.
- Repeat for the following race waypoints, being the last one the finish line. It should look like this.
- Guide the squad(s) to where you want to start the race and click on Start race, they will drive through each race waypoint and stop at the last one.
Custom relationships with other RelationshipGroups:
- You can now make the Squads hate certain relationshipgroups, like the cops or the Ballas. Check the Squad>Behavior>Relationships menu.
Here is a list with all the vanilla RelationshipGroups.
Setting up custom models for your squad:
- 1. Open the advanced_bodyguards.ini you will find in your scripts folder.
- 2. Find "CustomStyle1Name" and change the value (Mexicans) to the Faction name you want.
- 3. Change the values of all the CustomStyle1ModelX you will find below, providing a valid model name, like s_m_m_movalien_01, for example. Repeat the values if you don't have enough model names to fill all four inputs.
- Save the file and start the game.
Follow the same procedure with the second custom faction defined in the .ini.
.NET Framework v4.8
Visual C++ 2015
ScriptHookV v1.0.2545.0
ScriptHookVDotNet v3.4.0
NativeUI v1.9.1
How to install
Extract the files into /Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/.
Video Tutorial, thanks to 2Goodyy for making it!
How to use
Pressing Z will open the Guard Commands menu, letting you select wich squad you want to handle.
Press ALT to enter commands mode. Instead of shooting, you will issue commands until you exit the mode pressing ALT again.
The commands you can issue depend on the Squad Leader's situation. Here's a list of currently supported commands and situations:
Squad is on foot
- Aim+click at ground = Run there
- Aim+click at a ped = Attack him
- Aim+click at a vehicle = Enter that vehicle
Squad is on vehicle:
- Aim+click at ground = Drive there
- Aim+click at a ped = Attack him from vehicle
- Aim+click at other vehicle = Chase that vehicle
- Aim+click at other squads' vehicle = escort that vehicle
- Aim+click at their own vehicle = Leave the vehicle
Latest versions feature orders issued from the menu, allowing you to manage them while they're doing stuff.
- Police peds don't like you in their cars, and will enter a neverending loop of leaving the car and entering again.
- If the Squad is the Army or the Police, they will give you 2 stars if you aim directly at them.
Først uploadet: 27. januar 2022
Sidst opdateret: 28. januar 2022
Last Downloaded: 44 minutter siden
Everything is work very good but please update it so we can use custom Add On vehicle in squad setup vehicle
17. juni 2024 -
If I set a waypoint far away it will just say
Place a new one
Is the developer stupid or something?????
Like how stupid are you to be unable to code the squads to go to the other side of the map?????
what a joke. lol XD18. juni 2024 -
is anybody else experiencing the bug where i can only command my squad to follow a ped instead of attacking?
8. juli 2024 -
@nj5050 Hi, when I launch the game and press Z the menu opens fine but when I do call squad it sends me back the message:
unhandled exception in script “AdvancedBodyguard”!
NullReferenceException to AdvancedBodyguard.CreateSquad(Int32 squadNumber)
then the menu closes and I can't open it again when I press Z again.
24. september 2024 -
@meumeuh007 Did you edit the ini file to add your own custom ped model or anything?
If so, thats the first place to check out & make sure it was done properly.
25. september 2024 -
I forgot to specify but I'm using: ScriptHookVDotNet-v3.6.0-nightly.124 and here's the error log:
[23:08:11] [ERROR] Caught unhandled exception:
System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
à AdvancedBodyguards.CreateSquad(Int32 squadNumber)
à AdvancedBodyguards.OnItemSelect(UIMenu sender, UIMenuItem selectedItem, Int32 index)
à NativeUI.UIMenu.SelectItem()
à NativeUI.UIMenu.ProcessControl(Keys key)
à NativeUI.MenuPool.ProcessControl()
à NativeUI.MenuPool.ProcessMenus()
à AdvancedBodyguards.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
à SHVDN.Script.DoTick()[23:08:11] [ERROR] The exception was thrown while executing the script AdvancedBodyguards from \Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\Advance bodyguard\Advanced Bodyguards.dll".
[23:08:11] [WARNING] Aborted script AdvancedBodyguards.
à System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
à System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
à SHVDN.Script.Abort()
à SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
à SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()25. september 2024 -
@meumeuh007 Ok yeah I think you just found the problem. Its because you're using SHVDN nightly version, which for most older mods, are no longer compatible for.
So you may want to downgrade your recent GTA 5 version.
25. september 2024 -
@meumeuh007 Its your choice, but downgrading should solve a lot of older mod functioning issues.
26. september 2024 -
why when i ask the bodyguards to follow me in a separete car only the leader gets in the car? the rest just run
9. oktober 2024 -
getting unhandled script issue
all requirements are met (not using SHVDN nightly)30. december 2024 -
You did a great job with this it even detects my custom faction from the gang and turf war mod and doesn't act hostile to them! So I am happy to say it is compatible with gang and turf mod but just make sure to tweak the squad allies first!
4. januar 2025 -
Bro this mod is good but I keep getting error out of range exception please fix.
18. januar 2025
Please, read the description (specially the requirements) before saying that the mod doesn't work.
Me and other people have tested this mod before I submitted it.
If you're using outdated versions of ScriptHookV and ScriptHookVDotNet, then it most certainly won't work.
If you assume that you have the required versions and it still doesn't work, then check again. Chances are that your requirements are outdated.