Model: SibWings
Convert: DragoN777
Install / Установка:
If you use the replace method, open "vehicles.meta"
search for "flags" in "duster" section and add this: FLAG_HAS_LIVERY
Features: / Особенности:
HQ interior; / Качественный интерьер;
Working dashboard; / Рабочая панель приборов;
Correct player position; / Корректное положение пилота;
Hands on the steering wheel; / Руки на руле;
Correct collision; / Правильная колизия;
There are livery; / Имеются ливреи
Changes in version 1.1: / Изменения в версии 1.1:
Added Low-poly Lods( for optimization purposes) / Добавлены Low-poly лоды( в целях оптимизации);
Minor fixes / Мелкие исправления.
Add-On version:
*The model has a high-resolution textures, so the archive has a lot of weight / *Модель имеет текстуры высокого разрешения, поэтому архив много весит.
Convert: DragoN777
Install / Установка:
If you use the replace method, open "vehicles.meta"
search for "flags" in "duster" section and add this: FLAG_HAS_LIVERY
Features: / Особенности:
Changes in version 1.1: / Изменения в версии 1.1:
Add-On version:
*The model has a high-resolution textures, so the archive has a lot of weight / *Модель имеет текстуры высокого разрешения, поэтому архив много весит.
Først uploadet: 1. februar 2016
Sidst opdateret: 6. august 2016
Last Downloaded: 2 dage siden
82 Kommentarer
Model: SibWings
Convert: DragoN777
Install / Установка:
If you use the replace method, open "vehicles.meta"
search for "flags" in "duster" section and add this: FLAG_HAS_LIVERY
Features: / Особенности:
HQ interior; / Качественный интерьер;
Working dashboard; / Рабочая панель приборов;
Correct player position; / Корректное положение пилота;
Hands on the steering wheel; / Руки на руле;
Correct collision; / Правильная колизия;
There are livery; / Имеются ливреи
Changes in version 1.1: / Изменения в версии 1.1:
Added Low-poly Lods( for optimization purposes) / Добавлены Low-poly лоды( в целях оптимизации);
Minor fixes / Мелкие исправления.
Add-On version:
*The model has a high-resolution textures, so the archive has a lot of weight / *Модель имеет текстуры высокого разрешения, поэтому архив много весит.
Convert: DragoN777
Install / Установка:
If you use the replace method, open "vehicles.meta"
search for "flags" in "duster" section and add this: FLAG_HAS_LIVERY
Features: / Особенности:
Changes in version 1.1: / Изменения в версии 1.1:
Add-On version:
*The model has a high-resolution textures, so the archive has a lot of weight / *Модель имеет текстуры высокого разрешения, поэтому архив много весит.
Først uploadet: 1. februar 2016
Sidst opdateret: 6. august 2016
Last Downloaded: 2 dage siden
@OceanRAZR @actuallypaco @ThatZer0_o etc. ADD-ON VERSION:
Excellent aircraft, but livery textures should be compressed to dxt5 i did it myself and its much smoother fps for my old rig now :) ty for the awesome work
My game crashes after installing this mod ;(
Found it
Aircraft only to replace or add please
I spawn the plane and it falls through the ground, what's wrong?
@iGol66 That usually happens to have bad handling
@Durzo I fixed it - just enable vehicle god mode and it doesn't fall through the ground anymore
Aeroflot <3
looks great
How many passengers does this hold in the back please?
It's sink in to the void, after spawn, why???
No Addon File included... why writing that it is an addon then?!
good model, but i prefer having the addon version and not replacing any vehicle in the game. : /
This isn't an [ADD-ON] like you said
@DragoN777 would be nice to see a bit smaller version coz it don't fit into the Trevor's hangar what means it unusable in mission :/
@DragoN777 hi great mod! looks freshly vintage love em! but only weird problem is whenever i get into the plane & start up the engine and start accelerating the whole control board in the plane starts shaking..but as soon as i stop accelerating at a certain pace it stops shaking.
OMG this plane is very good so much detailed thank you !!!
what's wrong with the textures? all of your planes have the same problem for me
How many seats are useable?
plane is invincible no matter what i throw at it how would i fix this? Any other aircraft blows up but this one dosent.