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@rock he can't sell the mod, that would be illegal. send him some patreon money or something. the import/export stuff won't be available to us for a while. you'll have to wait. the mod creator is still ironing out the bugs in the current build
@imnotmental - i couldn't provide a screenshot because i swapped out the mods to try different things. when i reinstall your mods i'll be sure to send you whatever evidence i can of any glitches i find. great mods, great work, keep doing it !
hey !! the stupid guy is back!!!!!!! new problem; a location in Banning [location of online contact mission "deal breaker"] won't open. the location shows on the map but there is no marker in the world when i get to the area. it might be a conflict with another mod, but i thought that i would just tell you anyway ...............
@Zoidberg - rockstar didn't make GTAV, a bunch of people who got fired from rockstar for complaining about abuse, slavery conditions, etc. made GTAV.
rockstar just rakes in the cash and laughs. if you want to be sick to your stomach then google "ex-rockstar employee" and take your pick of articles, and i'm not talking about les benzies, i'm talking about the little people.
enough interiors were made to accommodate a story people don't pay THAT much attention to, and there were even some left over that didn't get used [check out the Open All Interiors mod] .
and let's be absolutely clear; a hell of a lot of what we know to be GTAV is actually just stolen from mods for GTA IV and san andreas. for example; the very idea of GTA Online started out as a mod for GTA 1. no joke. and much of the interaction menu started out as the simple native trainer and other menu mods. scum bags. lazy scum bags. you ever tried making a capture mission? i made loads of them and then a bunch of them got erased because they didn't want us placing assets on the subway and other areas they decided to make "restricted". assholes and scumbags.
@Zoidberg My bad. mea culpa. not your fault, we need a better map editor. i got perma-banned from online for using a pc cleanup utility that used pop-up notifications, so i'm feeling pretty salty myself. i've wanted it to be the case for some time that the modders would fully hijack the game from rockstar [the actually creative modders, NOT the script kiddies] and while i see it happening more and more on this and other sites, i don't see it happening soon enough. i hate rockstar for what they have become as a company, and what this game never fully became in the hands of its own devs, and the results i get when i google "ex-rockstar employee". its infuriating. if there is any way you can push for a better menyoo map editor, then i would urge you make that push, and let me know how i can help, outside of donating money i don't have to the modder. peace.
@TheRedWarrior_RU BIG QUESTION: i got banned for using a cleanup utility on my pc. BANNED. i was using advanced systemcare pro to free up ram etc. and rockstar banned my account with no explanation why. i found out much later it was because my cleanup utility was using pop-up notifications. no other possible reason. i have a second copy of the game now and don't want to get banned again but still want all the stuff i grinded for back. can i cheat money and rp or not?
@Zoidberg you do yourself no favours by being so thin-skinned. the mod does not look like how the station needs to be improved. you rushed the project. and if i said to make it look like the EXTERIOR of the building then i misspoke. uninstall the mod and take a walk around the inside of the vanilla building. there are a large number of doors inside [and outside] the building that don't open. that should be your starting point. one thing you could, and should, very easily add is the police station details from the online mode character creator. if you can't then the project, as you pretty much said yourself, is not necessary. kudos on the effort, though. the project, in its essential conceptual form is something this game very much needs, but what you have done does not, as you said yourself, warrant an entry into an architecture competition. sorry for seeming agitated, but the mdding community very much needs to take control of this game. GTA V is very much,k eventually at least, going to go the way of all GTA games before, and become something to the effect of Multi Theft Auto. if you can help that happen, then i salute you.
looks terrible!! like badly designed apartment. its a project that needs to be done, but not like this!!!! build the corridors and rooms first, and maybe study architecture a little bit. the design needs to be consistent with the rest of the building
@Kilyin - Paulie "Give me some of that mustard!!"
needs a heist based on the MOVIE[!!!!!] "Fargo" [with maybe a few details from the tv show too]
also, it needs:
an airfield
a train depot
a car dealership [ceo office + import/export garage]
a biker clubhouse
biker businesses
a small warehouse
a medium warehouse
[maybe a large warehouse]
a small garage
a medium garage
[maybe a large garage]
a high end apartment / penthouse apartment / stilt house
gang locations
and whatever else might help to give it a functioning criminal under-belly
@ImNotMentaL Why? What would have happened if I did? apart from my system32 file exploding and my mother outing me as a furry?