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@smallboy944 I just knew someone is gonna say that XD
The water hack, I toyed with this but nothing happens. I thought it might raise the water up and flood the city
what did you use to take these pictures?
I want to try this out. But I keep falling through the boat. I tried reinstalling it and still no fix. I got everything needed installed but keep falling through it.
I really want to download this but it seems theres more I have to install and dont know what! I dont know where is mod folder is.
I want to make a request. I'm dieing for someone to put this plane out, so far your the best to do it because this plane wings goes in when it goes fast and opens out when it slows down. The x-02 from ace combat. This is my most favorite plane.
here is some google images https://www.google.com/search?q=ace+combat+zero+the+belkan+war&biw=1280&bih=628&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3MDbIM8lRAjMtDLItTLQks5Ot9JPL0vXTE3NT44tTizJTi61A7GIAOQPrMzMAAAA&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwipl8LBn7zJAhWBdSYKHah3CSIQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACWgzaaujkj61IjgPHWDcKo_1KFKeQR-k2m7r4wTIggTABAT6szkCm4Zk-nXCvhBD4cyr8MX_1gHtvWfhogkRhkNe7WAyoSCQ8dYNwqj8oUEfruUoqSaZ3SKhIJp5BH6TabuvgREN3Nqwx9TQkqEgnBMiCBMAEBPhEMdSwPHvhDtCoSCazOQKbhmT6dEWfYoFsEuCnuKhIJcK-EEPhzKvwRd30MHoALg9EqEgkxf-Ae29Z-GhEgtkWcC_1xTpCoSCSCRGGQ17tYDEaqRXTv6kfu6&q=ace%20combat%20zero%20the%20belkan%20war%20x-02&imgrc=_
also I was hoping someone would make some of these http://orig00.deviantart.net/d481/f/2007/357/2/0/ace_combat_doodlets_by_sachsen.jpg
seeing the inside makes it look like it can transform into a jet and fly lol!
Ok I'm crashing every time I get into the tank. I think this has to do with the file "carvariations.meta" and "seperate meta data.xml" not being installed. On the instructions it left out those two files to being put anywhere.
not prefect but its a really good start. There will be the problem with turbo mod, once you got too fast a bullet can stop you on a dime. we need a mod that would stop that.
@esrohraw when go off a ramp it tried to keep itself from flipping. See for yourself in the game. If you got a trainer you should be able to spawn it. Also I prefer then handling be the same as the insurgent I have a less chance being fliped in the air when I hit a car.