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Nice mod! How can I make my own outfits by myself? I want to change the outfits of Franlin because I downloaded some clothes mods. And I want start the a new game with a new outfit on Franlin.
Cool T-shirts! I like it! Really nice job bro! I made some Hip-Hop T-shirt mods too, so If you are intrested check out my profile. Just keep it up! :)
Looks cool, awsome rolex watches!
I would have another idea, can make this legendary giorgio armani sunglasses to Franklin what Eazy-E wore back from 91 to 95? https://www.styleforum.net/threads/giorgio-armani-sunglasses-932-020-130-large-help.660839/
Nice job bro, the new update is awsome! @red" can you make a Eazy-E hand tattoo a same what The Game have? Something like this tattoo's: https://www.google.com/search?q=the+game+eazy+e+tattoo&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj9qLqqhszoAhVSP-wKHSJNCPYQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=the+game+Eazy_E&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgQIABAeOgQIIxAnOgIIADoECAAQEzoGCAAQHhATOggIABAIEB4QE1C6xgJYrtMCYJfeAmgAcAB4AIAB7AGIAacGkgEFNy4wLjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img&ei=FxCHXr3BLtL-sAeimqGwDw&bih=1298&biw=2560
Thanks bro, seriosly. I looking for this mod a long time ago !!!! Finale !!! Now i can make Franklin to Eazy-E !!!! Have a nice day !!!
@perese1 please can you send me the facial hair mod to your video? I now the guy who mad delete his mods but i don't want to reupload i just want to use the mod on my game. Please man i try to contact you but you never reaply to me, i try to anther modders ask about that but they don t want to give me a link. Just man please answer me to private. I have a texture mod what maybe you got intrested.
@wingriddxnangel i understand it.
Although I've finished it, thanks for the T-shirt.
@Zinnaro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WL4A4scdFs This is the reason why i need the facial hair.
@wingriddxnangel What if I want to use T-Shirt and facial hair at the same time with the head bandana?
@wingriddxnangel oke whatever. Thanks a lot dude.