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    @TheLoneWolf293 Wish I had this knowledge to make a Firetruck from scratch, I'm far far away from this^^.

    Bored with the "legacy Low resolution" of the Pump panel, i remade it [ like the paint and Light ] to a higher res with my knowledge for fun and share. The main reason i remade it was "my wife asking for" << Can you do me a Firetruck with a Pinup on the side ? >>

    So I try with the Hellish limitation of the Rockstar skin, for example when you want to put a thing on a side, and it appears on the rear or on the other side of the firetruck or like the Headlight..... thinked if i make the left headlight, it would auto rotate like the blinkers or Turn signal on the Tail... but No Ahaaha^^

    So It's just a 0.75 Version that will be improved in future [ days and week, when i have time, but it will be done ] to appear like i really want, The essential is that my wife already adopted the skin and love it.

    Have a Nice Day^^ an sorry for my English Mistakes.

    24. november 2016
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    @NvAnB Thank you^^

    21. november 2016
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    @xEneon Thank You, So nice^^ to have "compliment" [don't know the right word in English]

    I'm working on the firetruck, I have redone the paint on it, the Headlight, Tailight, HID & Led, and also the Pump panels [ I restart it from scratch, It will not look like the original, i made it with "Pierce" // "TPG" // "Class 1 Digital & Analog Manometers" // "Husky Foam system controller", a painted door with a Firefighter Pin Up on it etc.... if I count, it's like 102 layers under PS for the pump panel ]

    It's not 100% like i want, so i still work on it

    21. november 2016
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    @Easykill1001 With Photoshop^^ & Open IV

    First I have downloaded a Mule with true add on it.

    Because a Mule add is a have to be a little bit distorded to appear at the right dimension in your game, if you put a round in a mule it won't appear round in your game, so when you know the ratio to apply you are good to go.

    6 Mules add are on 1 picture, with a downloaded mule it's very easy, you have just to replace the pics with yours [ with the good ratio Lenght x Height ]

    - The pepsi add [ I don't know where i found it, just "funny add" in google image, redo the bottle and redo the light on it ]

    -Coca Cola add comes from a Old metal plate [ Old metal plate with adds are awesome ]
    - Fedex very simple to find
    -The Mc do add : Just a random add with my favourtite burger, and the creepy ronald incorporated in, just retouch a little bit it to make the illusion it was painted on the add, the idea comes from the mod "add and grafiti from LA that you can find here"
    Guess : The favourite brand of my wife
    Nike add : Just a wallpaper with a nice latino girl [ with a nice booty ] and got the idea to ad the Nike on it, "To have a body like this, just work^^ so a Nike add"

    So... 4 of these 6 adds don't really exist, but it make the illusion that they are "real adds" XD.

    Have a nice day^^

    21. november 2016
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    @Sierra [Sorry for my bad english^^ ] My kid also play GTA, he just drive responsibly, wait for the signal to be green, put the light on, drive slowly in town..... if a kid play without blood, violence [ you can make every one happy ], and in a foreign audio, delete hooker and semi nude pedestrian. it's good

    You can mod what you want to make it a playable game for kids.

    Today i reinstall my game from scratch, he wanted to play so i let him play with no blood, police ignored, 0 star and invincible, and suddently a red blip in a small street, "Father , there's a red bleep on the map, maybe someone need my help, Can i help the blue character ?

    I let him help the blue character, he just push the bad man on a wall with his car, he knows that it's just a game, know that someone need help, i'm sure you would be glad if your son [ if you have one ] take his courage in his hand to help people In game or in reality.

    I'm proud of him, of his reaction and to not have ignored to help.....

    And GTA V don't make kid idiot or violent, It's today society, walking on head of people, ignoring people that need help.

    When your Kids show you what is a YFT whith a Shoe box to make a parking with a first floor, ramp to access first floor with paper and a YTD make all the detaisl on paper and glue them on the box, it makes me smile..... like this week end, when he makes police lightbar drawn on a paper and glue it on a majorette, "look father i made a lightbar for my car, i'have done what the video show on Youtube [ Video about how to make a car a police car in Zmodeler 3 ]

    I prefer to let him play GTA 5 with restriction instead of letting him burn his brain in front of dumb cartoon on TV.

    Thank's to the autor of the Mc queen's car, I know that my 6 year old son will be happy and will have a great smile when he will discover Mc queen in his modded game version.

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    17. november 2016
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    So there is no Problem, it's ok.

    It's only if you have the Realism Dispatch Enhanced mod installed and don't know where to put the file.

    Without RDE, it's only in GTA V\mods\x64e\levels\gta5\vehicle.rpf\ [ AMbulance YTD ]

    Whith RDE, you have to modify the ambulance in the RDE DLC.RPF because if you don't modify it, the game will load the texture/paint/vehicule in the RDE DLC, instead of the ambulance of X64e.

    Example : You have not RDE and have modify the ambulance paint in X64e, the modified ambulance will appear in game

    You have RDE and have modified only the ambulance in X64e, the game will not load the new paint

    You have RDE and have only modified the ambulance in RDE, The ambulance will appear with the new paint

    You have modified X64e and RDE ambulance, the game will load the new paint for the Ambulance [ the game normally don't care about what is in X64e if the same model exist in RDE, it will load what is in RDE ]

    Trying to explain with my sh*tty English skill [ Hope you understand, Hope someone explain it better than me if you didn't ]

    15. november 2016
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    @thewizz100 Thank you, if you are using the "Vanilla Ambulance", i'm working on the Headlights [ Front HID headlight and Led texture for the backlight [ Projector, Brake, rear gear] an you can see on these pics.

    Also worked this week-end on the default skin [ Fire dept // Mission Row San Andreas // Los santos Medical center ] to make them more "my taste" but keeping the Vanilla spirit. [4096*2048 for each paintjob ]

    14. november 2016
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    @SGTMCDOOGLE @SGTMCDOOGLE Haha^^ Good Idea :P V1.01 [ default Coroner skin + Dial 666 Alternate Coroner ]

    V1.01 uploaded^^ , but you can do it by yourself also^^, On the PSD file It's the Layer 28

    That's one reason i give the PSD, you can make your own joke with L33t, word games.

    14. november 2016
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    My legit game stays vanilla, i don't mod it, because i want to finish it the Vanilla way [ without mod, cheat, easy spawn, weapon or skin, just to say i finish it the "normal" way ]

    I have a 2nd folder with a cr*..... game, and it should work normally, with the release of 1.36 Rel..... a few days ago [ Sorry bad english ]

    22. oktober 2016