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  • 5de940 trevor1

    @R05H4N I actually tried making this plugin with a .dll file (ScriptHookV DotNet), but it was too inconsistent to work with

    23. december 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    @jeremy1306 It's free software m8, you can't judge.

    30. november 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    @R05H4N No it doesn't work on the pirated version. Unfortunatly the developers of RAGE Plugin Hook disabled the pirated version

    30. november 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    @Slogomanify I have scripthookv, scripthookv .net and RPH installed at the same time. Key presses for native trainer and rage console conflicts so you will have to change the rage console hotkey to f5 or something else in the ragepluginhook.ini file in the main gta v main directory.

    21. august 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    @vonericson read this above. :)

    21. august 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    You have to start up gta with the ragepluginhook.exe. If you look down in the right bottom corner, you should see some white text saying rage plugin hook or whatever. If that happens then you have installed RPH correctly. You just need to press f4 to open the rage console and type in: LoadPlugin "Tornado.dll". If the text doesn't appear, you should go to and see the requirements for it and install it if nessesary. If that didn't do it then you need to go to the RPH forums and get assistance from the creators of RPH.

    21. august 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    @bakamania @gtamatt1000 @SirJambon @paddy1965 @Murad98 @AtlanticCraft @AtlanticCraft @Slogomanify The plugin has just been updated! Report back if further problems or crashes happen. :D

    20. august 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    @Snake514 If not, it's included in the mod as 'ParticleLibrary'.

    20. august 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    @Snake514 are you a developer or do you just want to have it installed. If you are a developer you can look at it here:

    20. august 2015
  • 5de940 trevor1

    @Murad98 @AtlanticCraft
    This is a bug in the plugin and will be fixed in next update. :)

    20. august 2015