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    @Shaezbreizh ok thx

    2. november 2016
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    @Shaezbreizh yea i know i get the information by clicking on the ped. but i set the companion setting and i want it/them to follow me if thats an option

    1. november 2016
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    @Guadmaz please can you help me it always crashes. heres the log:
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.305] Started new log on 2016-11-01 19:30:41.305
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.307] ====================================================================================================
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.300] Log path: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\RagePluginHook.log
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.308] Log verbosity: Trivial
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.310] Initializing input system
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.314] Initializing game console
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.378] Initializing console variable "ConsoleScrollAmount".
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.380] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleScrollAmount
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.382] Read value: <null>
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.382] Initializing console variable "DisableRenderVersionText".
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.382] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: DisableRenderVersionText
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.387] Read value: False
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.387] Setting value of console variable "DisableRenderVersionText" to stored value.
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.387] Initializing console variable "ConsoleKey".
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.387] Type: System.Windows.Forms.Keys, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleKey
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.389] Read value: F4
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.389] Setting value of console variable "ConsoleKey" to stored value.
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.389] Initializing console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold".
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.389] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: PluginTimeoutThreshold
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.390] Read value: 10000
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.390] Setting value of console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold" to stored value.
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.390] Initializing console variable "AlwaysShowConsoleOutput".
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.390] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: AlwaysShowConsoleOutput
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.390] Read value: <null>
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.390] Initializing console variable "ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad".
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.390] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.391] Read value: <null>
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.391] Initializing console variable "ShowOnScreenWarnings".
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.391] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowOnScreenWarnings
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.391] Read value: <null>
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.392] Initializing forms manager
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.394] Version: RAGE Plugin Hook v0.47.1037.9935 PUBLIC ALPHA for Grand Theft Auto V
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.400] ================ RAGE Plugin Hook ================
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.403] Command line option -disableCustomLoadingScreen is specified; disabling custom loading screen rendering.
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.407] Detected Windows 10 Home (64-bit) (10.0.14393.0)!
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.408] Checking game support
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.633] Product name: Grand Theft Auto V
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.634] Product version: 1.0.877.1
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.635] Is steam version: False
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.636] Initializing DirectX
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.638] Initializing Direct3D
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.638] Loading C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.639] Loaded at 0x7FFD89530000
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.639] D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain at 0x7FFD89595170
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.639] Creating Direct3D 11 device and swap chain
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.647] Swap Chain created: 0x1EE6F24DE50
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.648] Swap Chain VTable: 0x1EE6F24DE50
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.648] Swap Chain VTable_2: 0x7FFD8B6AD058
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.648] 0x57565510245C8948;0x5741564155415441;0xEC8148D9246C8D48
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.648] D3D11Present: 0x7FFD8B653440
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.649] D3D11ResizeBuffers: 0x7FFD8B6648D0
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.649] D3D11ResizeTarget: 0x7FFD8B6A5340
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.649] D3D11SetFullscreenState: 0x7FFD8B66B870
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.655] Direct3D initialized
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.655] Initialized DirectX
    [2016-11-01 19:30:41.656] Direct3D watcher thread spawned
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.427] Getting device
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.428] Retrieved device
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.429] Creating wrapper
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.479] Wrapper created
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.483] Effect created
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.483] Creating buffer
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.483] Created buffer
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.483] Creating blend state
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.484] Created blend state
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.484] Done with creation
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.512] Initializing texture system.
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.513] Initializing texture system; phase 1
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.513] Initializing texture system; phase 2
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.519] Initializing texture system; phase 3
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.519] Initializing texture system; phase 4
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.527] Initializing texture system; phase 5
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.528] Initializing texture system; phase 6
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.529] Initializing texture system; phase 7
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.531] Initializing texture system; phase 8
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.532] Initializing texture system; phase 9
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.533] Initializing texture system; phase 10
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.535] Initializing texture system; phase 11
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.536] Initializing texture system; phase 12
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.537] Initializing texture system; phase 13
    [2016-11-01 19:30:42.537] Initializing texture system; phase 14
    [2016-11-01 19:30:46.657] Direct3D watcher thread ended
    [2016-11-01 19:31:13.611] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing game support
    [2016-11-01 19:31:13.864] Initializing game support
    [2016-11-01 19:31:14.371] LoadingScreenMsg: Velocity limit removed
    [2016-11-01 19:31:14.684] Compatibility level: 0
    [2016-11-01 19:31:14.684] Supported version detected
    [2016-11-01 19:31:14.685] ==================================================
    [2016-11-01 19:31:14.686] LoadingScreenMsg: Patching code
    [2016-11-01 19:31:14.936] LoadingScreenMsg: Waiting for game initialization
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.188] Waiting for game initialization
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.289] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing core
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.541] Initializing hook
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.542] LoadingScreenMsg: Completing interoperability
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.793] Completing interoperability
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.794] Initialization code 1.
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.794] Initialization code 2.
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.794] Initialization code 3.
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.802] 1 Address: 0x00007FF662BBADA4
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.803] Calling func 1
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.818] 2 Address: 0x00007FF66368B4E2
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.819] 3 Address: 0x00007FF6621D5CCA
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.847] Address: 0x00007FF66368B480
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.848] Unknown var: 0x00007FF6645D31B0
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.848] Initialization code 4.
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.848] Initialization code 5.
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.849] Completing interoperability, phase 1
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.849] Completing interoperability, phase 2
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.849] Completing interoperability, phase 3
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.850] Completing interoperability, phase 4
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.850] Completing interoperability, phase 5
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.850] Completing interoperability, phase 6
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.851] Completing interoperability, phase 7
    [2016-11-01 19:31:15.851] LoadingScreenMsg:
    [2016-11-01 19:31:16.102] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading Story Mode
    [2016-11-01 19:31:32.784] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading and Populating Game World
    [2016-11-01 19:31:33.036] LoadingScreenMsg:
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.129] Initializing console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled".
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.129] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: IsDeveloperModeEnabled
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.131] Read value: True
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.131] Setting value of console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled" to stored value.
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.145] WARNING! Developer mode is now enabled. While in this mode, detailed error messages will be displayed.
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.146] Initializing console variable "TimeScale".
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.146] Type: System.Single, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: TimeScale
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.147] Read value: <null>
    [2016-11-01 19:31:36.297] WARNING! Developer mode is now enabled. While in this mode, detailed error messages will be displayed.
    [2016-11-01 19:31:37.809] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing input system
    [2016-11-01 19:31:37.811] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing game console
    [2016-11-01 19:31:37.813] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing forms manager
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.275] Mission Creator:
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.276] Mission Creator: ==============================
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.277] Mission Creator: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION DURING GAME FIBER TICK
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.277] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.278] Mission Creator: Origin: Rage.SleeplessGameFiber
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.279] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.279] Mission Creator: Exception type: System.MissingMethodException
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.279] Mission Creator: Exception message: Metoden hittades inte: System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<System.Windows.Forms.Keys> Rage.KeyboardState.get_PressedKeys().
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.280] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.280] Mission Creator: Inner exceptions:
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.280] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.281] Mission Creator: Stack trace:
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.281] Mission Creator: vid RAGENativeUI.Common.GetPressedKeys()
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.282] vid RAGENativeUI.MenuPool.ProcessMenus()
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.282] vid MissionCreator.Editor.Editor.Tick(GraphicsEventArgs canvas)
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.283] vid MissionCreator.EntryPoint.FrameRender(Object sender, GraphicsEventArgs e)
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.283] vid Rage.Game.RaiseFrameRender(GraphicsEventArgs e)
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.284] vid Rage.RemotePlugin.HandleRenderFiber()
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.284] vid Rage.GameFiber.Main()
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.286] Mission Creator: ==============================
    [2016-11-01 19:31:38.286] Mission Creator:

    Udvid for at læse hele kommentaren
    1. november 2016
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    @Shaezbreizh sorry if im unclear i meen that they follow me like and companion

    1. november 2016
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    @Shaezbreizh how do i get the option animation? cant find it anywere in the menu. do i need an extra mod?

    1. november 2016
  • Default

    @Shaezbreizh can you help me with the npcs i dont know what anim is.

    thanks for the help :)

    31. oktober 2016