
Gangster Missions 0.3


This is my first mod

IMPORTANT: to do the missions you will have to go to the main menu in Load GangsterMissions and click on the Launch Script button After that you will need to go to the missions to go to the point called "The Gangster Home"
After arriving in the point you will talk to the gangster by pressing F11 or the configuration that you put on the ini file and afterwards you can say if you want a weapon and do the missions after you click on "Talk: Give me all missions" and after you can the missions.

The key or activate the FIRST menu is F7 or the configuration that you put on the ini file
The key or activate the Missions Gangster menu is F11 or the configuration that you put on the ini file

Obligatory: would never have changed your player model otherwise the mod considers you dead I will be fixed maybe in 0.3

The concept of this mod allows you to do gang missions. There are 4 missions in all. the 1st, 2nd and 3rd have the same objective and the 4th, for the 1,2,3er mission it will be necessary to go to the mark indicated with the car given by the mod, is the 4th mission it will be necessary to go to the mark is to kill all enemies. You can replace your character with a gang character
Gta 5 may crash

Changelog 0.2
Supported:Main menu in ini file
Supported:Missions Gangster menu in ini file
Fixed:Menu Gangster
Added:You can tell the gangster to give you a gun
Deleted:In 0.2 there will no longer be the function of looking at the player's position, I'm sorry
Fixed:The gangster who goes crazy
Added:4th mission
Fixed:Error comes from 4th mission
Added:Now to do the missions you will have to go to the gangster
Fixed:The destination of the finished mission is still the
Added:Dead Function for 1th,2th,3th mission

Changelog 0.2.1:
Fixed:Before all the destination was visible while I was not in the missions now there is no more
Added:Dead Function for 4th mission
Fixed:Dead Function for 4th mission

Changelog 0.3
Added: 5th mission
Added: Dead Function for 5th mission
Remaked: Code remake for all missions
Returned: Show Player Position
Added:Bonus Missions

Changelog 0.4
Adding: ...

Download NativeUI:
Download ScriptHookDotNet:

Required: Script hook dot net, nativeui
1: extract the file
2: place the scripts folder on your Gta 5 folder
Show Full Description

Først uploadet: 18. december 2020
Sidst opdateret: 25. oktober 2023
Last Downloaded: 18 hours ago

All Versions

 0.3 (current)

2.536 downloads , 11 KB
22. december 2020

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